Partner Details:
Company Name: My Hound Media, Inc.
Contact Name: Ardy Khazaei
Company URL:
Street Address 1: 366 Amsterdam Ave
Street Address 2: Suite 223
City: New York
State: NY
Country: 10024
Zip/Postal Code: USA
E-mail Address: 646-723-4341
Phone Number: [email protected]
User Name: myhound1
Password: adonmh1
Brief Site Description: is a personalized information service in the entertainment space that alerts users whenever there are new title and events by specific artists (authors, actors, musicians, bands, etc.) they've signed up for. MyHound users avoid the ongoin
Descriptive Keywords entertainment,film, movies, DVD, theatrical release, actor, filmmaker, director, cinema, cinematographer, screenwriter, independent film, music, musician, band, music group, band member, CD, album, discography, concerts, new release, author, book, ne
Estimated Daily Page Views: 300000