The XML feed returns most of the parameter(s) sent along with results. The parameters are then returned as attributes of Element Node "Result". The attribute "total results" indicates the total number of results returned by the query.
Each Element Node "Record " is a result returned by the query and has the following nodes
- title: the company name or title
- description: the description
- url: the advertiser's display URL (does not contain any tracking information)
- bidprice: cost of clicking on the link to the advertiser
- rank: the rank or position in which the client should display the results
- originid: Identifies the AdOn partner where the advertiser signed into the AdOn Network. The clients may use this information to reorder the results to provide higher ranking for their advertisers.
- format: Not currently used.
- category: Not currently used.
- clickurl: the href for the link that redirects to the advertiser URL after tracking client info
- impressionurl: Not currently used.
Test Requests:
Test Partner Id = 97999 (test ID is for testing purposes only and will not count toward your revenue generation, please use the Partner ID provided to you by a myGeek representative)
clientIp = Ip address of the customer/client (use for testing)
The following query returns results for "auto insurance".;=auto%20insurance&ip;_addr=;=0&dc;=10